Hexa Corp C.A | 2025
Diseño web- Hexa web
We support you in taking your company
to the digital world

Andreina Toral

🎓 Bachelor's Degree in Integral Design

I am passionate about creating new things, that's why I specialized in design; exploring new horizons I have immersed myself in the world of digital marketing. Now I can create without limits.


José Jiménez

🎓Computer Engineer

I value learning new things and being up to date with technological developments. I am dedicated to the web world (programming, content creation, design, etc).

perfil alejandro

Alejandro Chacón

🎓 Brand Manager

Journalist and photographer Content creator, graphic designer, audiovisual editor, and digital media producer with extensive experience in social media and content marketing.

We have the competence to turn your needs into effective solutions, so don’t worry, you’re in good hands 😉

About Us

Sitio web + tienda virtual

USD $499
Catálogo online
Carrito de compras
Reportes de ventas
Registro de clientes
Dominio y Hosting incluidos
Certificado de seguridad SSL
Promociones y cupones de descuentos
Integración con mercadopago, paypal y mucho más...

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Do not hesitate to let us know your doubts, here or in the live chat.


    - Adaptation of modules and extra functionalities within previously developed web sites
    - Corporate
    - Personal
    - Professional presentation portals
    - Express Service [websites with fast development time]
    - Virtual Stores


    - Corporate mailings
    - Optimized design for social media social media
    - Content generation (Blog)
    - Social media management
    - Mass mailing lists


    - Logo design
    - Advertising designs
    - Corporate identity
    - Web Layout

Do you need something more in particular?

You can tell us your project idea and we will be in contact with you.

Send us your comments here

¿Buscando más información sobre nosotros?

Acá te lo contamos, Hexa Web es parte de su empresa padre (Hexa Corp C.A), la cual cuenta con otras 2 ramas: Hexa Design (que básicamente engloba todo lo referente al diseño gráfico e identidades corporativas) y Hexa Tech (como su nombre indica, es la parte técnica de la empresa, comprende automatización de procesos industriales, domótica y electrónica en general).

De momento solo está operativa Hexa Web y Design, tú atento a nuestras novedades que dentro de poco tendremos cosas nuevas : )


Sitios web - Tiendas virtuales


Diseño gráfico - identidad corporativa


Domótica - electrónica - automatización